Oncology Visit

Starting out with a cutie pic from yesterday morning because the afternoon was rough. Big picture, I can choose if I want to do chemo or not and my oncology team supports me either way. They aren't putting forth a recommendation to do chemo but there could be some benefit, especially further down the road. I will attempt to explain more. And note: I'm getting a second opinion from Fred Hutch.

With my double mastectomy and hormone therapy I will do, my risk of recurrence at 10 years is 6%, vs. 4% if I add in chemo. The risk of recurrence increases as I age, lower with chemo, higher without. Chemo comes with side effects, which I'm not worried about in the short-term. My oncologist is confirming any risk added with my specific gene mutation, which doesn't pair well with radiation. Not as much research has been done on my gene mutation and chemotherapy (this is where a second opinion at Fred Hutch will be helpful because they do a lot of research in genetics). 

Recurrence doesn't mean in the breast, because I don't have any (ha, ha) although it is possible because no surgeon in the world can get every single cell of breast tissue. Recurrence shows up in other parts of the body. And not necessarily through a rogue cell that "got through," but by undetectable copy cat signals that can be passed from cell to cell and eventually turn up as cancer somewhere else. 

I was an emotional mess yesterday. Feeling a little better today but being faced with mortality risks while raising three little kids is scary AF. Thankful as always for the support from our community. 🩷

Cancer sucks.


  1. Yes, cancer sucks! I wish I could think of any good words that could make any of this easier. You already know that the statistical odds are very strongly in your favor, but feelings -- especially a mother's feelings -- don't care about statistical odds. But I do think that this in-between stage, while you're trying to make these scary decisions, is really hard. If there's anything anyone can do to help, please let us know! Love you, Lauren!


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