Post-Op Visit

My steri strips over my sutures came off today! My surgeon said things look good but my incisions are definitely needing time to mend and close and some spots are a little bruised/slightly blistered so I have to hold off on PT for a few more weeks. I have very light arm exercises to do every day in the meantime. 

Every day I have more energy and the surgical sites don't really hurt as much as they ache or are sore if bumped or stretched. I can't lift more than 5-10 lbs and am still limited to non-repetitive movements and small arm movements. 

Something super interesting clarified on the pathology report for me was that around my tumor was both invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ. I definitely want to learn more about that tandem existence of cancers. 

Aside from a doctor's visit with my mom in tow, I had a lovely day that included a nap, flowers from a friend, dinner from a neighbor, brief time with my aunt who watched Rhodes while Josh did the preschool thing with the girls, and a video chat with more friends. Feeling loved. 🥰

Next Up: another check in with my surgeon next Wednesday to make sure the incision sites are cleared for PT to start and then my oncology appointment on the 15th to go over my oncotype numbers and plan for treatment. I'm such a planner and just want to know now!



  1. Thanks for sharing your journey! Inspiring! What a great family you have and how thoughtful to share your journey that will surely help others. Looking forward to spending time with your kids! Susan Weber

  2. Thinking about and praying for you everyday!


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