Good News! And more waiting...

I'll start with the good news first. The two lymph node biopsies on my left breast came back and those suckers are cancer-free!!! They're still coming out, but this means cancer hasn't spread to or through them. Thank God! 

I skipped work today for an MRI-guided biopsy on a spot in my right breast and will get those results by Friday. On the way to the biopsy, I learned my medical oncologist consulted with a radiologist oncologist and they have ordered a PET scan for the larger internal mammory lymph node in my chest to see if it looks "active or just enlarged," which would mean radiation following surgery, regardless of cancer size. 

Praying for clear biopsy results Friday and clear PET scan Monday. I'm learning that a cancer diagnosis is waiting for more waiting. One test leads to another... 🎶

Thank you friends and family for your calls, texts messages on social media, gift baskets, flowers, treats. I've had so many offers for everything from childcare to housecleaning to grocery shopping to helping with wedding events to connections with cancer survivors. You are all amazing. My bandwidth is limited to fully grasp the scope of needs but as surgery (and potentially chemo/radiation) looms near, I will have a better idea and will let you all know. As multiple doctors have stated, "You seem to have a really great support system." That's an understatement! 

Pic: Gorgeous flowers from friends :) It's my first time receiving an arrangement with anemones and ranunculus together and I'm obsessed! 🤓


  1. Lauren…Sending you and your sweet family love and strength during this time. I am so glad you are in good hands with your doctors and thank you for posting your journey. I will check blog often and am here if you need absolutely anything at all❤️


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