March 3rd - 7th

Friday March 3rd was a long day full of appointments. Met with a breast surgeon (super wonderful), then had an ultrasound on a suspicious mass (turned out to be just dense tissue!) and two ultrasound-guided biopsies on two lymph nodes under my arm pit with results coming by 3/7. I have a third inflamed lymph node in my chest that will have pathology done in surgery. These lymph nodes are coming out either way, but results impact course of treatment with potentially chemo and/or radiation. My final appointment of the day was with an oncologist, who sort of prepped me and answered questions about different courses of treatment. I'm definitely having a bilateral mastectomy and some kind of hormone therapy. Chemo and radiation are a question mark pending pathology from biopsies and pathology from surgery. Three - four weeks following surgery I will meet with the oncologist again to review.

My fourth and final biopsy before surgery happens Tuesday 3/7, with results coming by Friday. This is for a suspicious mass on my right breast, only seen by MRI, so it will be an MRI-guided biopsy. 

Hoping and praying for negative lymph node tests and negative right breast mass. 

I'll learn more about my surgery date on Monday 3/6. Hoping for one ASAP! Keeping mentally busy with our oldest's fifth birthday celebrations this weekend. Finding balance between rest and staying busy. Thankful always for friends and family and community. Our parents and my aunt have helped tremendously with childcare needs as I navigate these tests and appointments. My mom comes with me to every appointment and makes sure I eat. There will be a tapering down of activity until surgery but I will let you all know of any needs that arise. So many have offered childcare and meals and I am so thankful! We are good at the moment but will keep you posted.

Thanks for coming along my journey, everyone! I love you.

Photo credit: @tinypricksproject via Instagram 


  1. My church prayed for you today and I continue to pray for you, Josh and kids every day! Love you all, Laurie

  2. You got this!!!! Your attitude is positive, just like Clea from The Home Edit

    1. Thanks, Amy! I LOVE Clea and thought of her when I was diagnosed and also when I decided to share this journey.

  3. You continue to be in our prayers, dear Lauren. Thank you for providing the updates. Hugs!

  4. Sweet Lauren, you’re in my prayers! So sorry you’re going thru this, but stay strong!! You’re going to beat this!! Love you all!

  5. Lauren, I am a friend of your mother-in-law’s from high school. I wanted you to know how far reaching the support for you extends. We are all praying for you and sending love and strength your way.

  6. We're adding our hopes and prayers to those of all your many friends and loved ones. Please reach out if you need anything! Much love from us all.


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