Good News!

The Oncology report came back following surgery and.... 🥁 Drum roll please... Confirms what all other tests pre-surgery told us! Stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma with mucinous features grade 2, estrogen receptor (ER) positive and progesterone receptor (PR) positive. I'll break what that means down a little (and I hope I get it right 😆). Stage 1 invasive breast cancer means it's spread a little bit from a milk duct into surrounding tissue. ER and PR positive mean my tumor was hormone-fed and for that I will start hormone therapy that lasts like 10 years (no more babies, which we feel fine with!). Mucinous features can refer to both tissue type and rate of growth. So grade 2 is intermediate. I meet with the Oncologist soon to talk about hormone therapy and any other treatment that might be needed beforehand (chemo for example, is not off the table yet). 

Things to celebrate:
Pathology did not show anything worse than what we knew and cancer was not found in the lymphatic system. What I have is very treatable (thank you cancer researchers). My support system is amazing! 

Things I'm loving:
Robes and hoodies with drain pockets, compression bras, an angle laying up a bit to sleep, extra pillows so I can roll my head and sort of tuck it so I can pretend to sleep on my side, visits/children/food/sunshine/bubbles/walks to keep me distracted during the day. 

I can't wait for the itchy drains to come out tomorrow morning! 🙌🏼 I think it's the adhesive that's itchy, the drains are just annoying. Hopefully I will sleep better. 

The kids are doing SO well. Cora told me, "Mom, I love your drains." She is fascinated. Maisie not so much. In fact, she prefers her dad at bedtime now but he's not complaining about it. 😉 Rhodes is so far adjusting to my hugs on the floor (with a chest pillow) and seems to kind of understand now that I won't be the one to pick him up. 

Thank you for all your love, support, prayers, treats, meals, trinkets, visits, check-ins... 🤗 My mom's knitting group and neighbors and friends got wind of my surgery and have covered us this week. I need every recipe and should publish a cookbook on what to bring people after surgery. We are feeling the love! 



  1. This is such good news! Thanks for sharing all this, Lauren. As scary as this must be, it is so lucky that you and your doctors caught it when you did. Now, on to healing. Love from all of us.


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