On the Road to Recovery

Home! And literally getting the full pampering treatment of makeovers and manicures (in addition to my medication, miralax, and protein shake cocktails - yum🍹). I have the very best care team consisting of Josh, my parents, and our two little nurses Cora and Maisie plus Rhodes, the entertainment. And the meals, snacks, and treats provided by friends, family, work families, and our preschool community are keeping us all going strong. 💪🏼

Surgery went really, really well. The doctors and nurses were incredibly caring and kind. It took awhile to wait and then do my pre-op consults but they had the most incredible warming blankets and warming machine that blew hot air into a special gown so I was pretty cozy during the long waiting times. Next I visited radiology to get some radioactive blue dye injected to help light up lymph nodes. The surgeon wanted to more easily see lymph nodes lit up closest to the tumor, which would be the pathway cancer would take. Then I had my consult with the anesthesiologist, who was awesome. After having three babies, anesthesiologists always will always have a special place in my heart. 😅

I was wheeled into the OR, remembering some visualizations from surgery meditation that my therapist recommended. I laid on the table, received more warming blankets, and a nurse said she would rub my feet while I fell asleep. They told me I would have a matching surgical hat and that's all I remember. I woke up just like no time had passed in a recovery area. My mom and Josh were already in the waiting room downstairs. 

After we got the low-down on drain care, meds, etc. and I was helped into my yoga pants and special hoodie with drain pockets, I was wheeled out to the car (with a special pillow to protect from the seatbelt). I was very wobbly on my feet but able to walk slowly with help. It was so good to see the kids!!! After a nap and dinner I had a nice sleep, interrupted with a little nausea, a little pain, and a lot of pee! (I had three fluid bags while at the hospital.) My throat was also pretty sore from intubation but is currently doing much better.

Today I'm less wobbly on my feet. Pretty sore and tired, but that's to be expected. Thankful my cancerous tumor is OUT and that preliminary results on lymph nodes look clear. More results to follow in the next weeks but I'm not thinking about that right now. 

Thanks to everyone for your well-wishes, messages, and prayers! I'm off to have a nice nap while the kids do some adventures. :) 



  1. So thankful that your surgery went so smoothly and you’re on the other side recovering now! Eat all the ice cream and take all the naps!! <3

  2. Such good news. I am thankful you have such a wonderful community of loving help. You are so brave Lauren!! I will keep praying for you!!

  3. Sending so much love and strength your way!

  4. Sending prayers for healing! 💐💕

  5. Sending you so much strength and love as you recover! ❤️❤️❤️


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