Surgery Tomorrow!

This morning I got all marked up with pretty purple pen. Incision markings for the surgeon. My kids are fascinated! 😅 

I check in at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, Thursday April 20th for the surgery/anesthesia consult and receive dye to help with surgery. Surgery begins around 7:00 a.m. and lasts 6.5-7.5 hours, depending on margins. Then I'm released that evening after I wake up and recover a bit! 

Thankful for my care team all ready with my pillow for the car ride home! I'm grateful for the advice and care kits from friends. I feel like we are loaded up for the best possible weeks following surgery. And thanks to everyone for signing up for meals and childcare through our Give In Kind page. We've been humbled by an outpouring of meal cards, too. This will surely help Josh and my family immensely, as I won't be able to move my arms much at the beginning. 

We will give you an update tomorrow as soon as we are able. Thank you for the love and prayers! I am feeling them. 💕



  1. Thinking of you all. 💖 Sending strength for your recovery Lauren!


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