Thank You!

We are hanging in there! Overwhelmed with love and support. My current biggest battles are itchy drain sites and pain at night. I'm calling my surgeon tomorrow because the drains might be able to come out early (we measure fluid three times a day and once it's under 30 milliliters in 24 hours two days in a row they can go) ! 🙌🏼 

The kids have been spoiled with attention from Grandma and Papa, fun activities from preschool friends, and the girls even went to a play with my mom and Aunt Ann today. So far Rhodes is pretty content with the hugs and snuggles I can give him on the floor with a pillow to protect my chest. He's pretty gentle as long as I'm not in his pathway of throwing a ball! 

I've never eaten so well in my life. Friends and family have been bringing/sending so much delicious food. 😋 My goal is to watch a show tonight when the kids go to bed and have some Frankie and Joe's. I've also been actually able to pick up a book! 

My chest feels kind of itchy and hollow and weird. I'm trying to leave the bandages alone since they add a slight layer of protection over the steri strips that will come off when I see the surgeon on May 3rd. 

Thanks for love, friends!


  1. We love you so much!!! Xoxo! The Ritters

  2. Glad you’re healing and that everyone is being well-taken care of, Lauren. We look forward to taking the next shift May 4th! We sure miss you all. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Love, Bill and Judi


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