The Mental Load & Distractions

Pic: Mom + Kids Zoo trip Monday

The silver lining of having three small kids and cancer at the same time is that they keep me busy and highly distracted! I'm going to pottery class Wednesdays and my running support group most Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those activities + three small kids combined with my part-time library position and my event planning business keep dark thoughts and worries (mostly) at bay while I wait for surgery and more test results. Though as my husband and many friends and family have probably noticed, I'm more spacey. A combination of being mentally exhausted and lost in thoughts sometimes. My brain never shuts off.

The past few days I spent at a library conference and had the best time! Josh and his folks kept the kids busy so I could take time to focus on the teacher-librarian part of myself and it was amazing. We had an early Easter celebration since I'll be quarantined during the actual holiday in preparation for surgery. Thankful for our supportive families! 

My friend Heather passed along a great Coffee and Crumbs podcast episode if you want to learn about the experiences of three young women with breast cancer. I learned a lot and felt comfort in their honesty and resilience. There are so many breast cancer warriors before me helping make my journey a little easier. As mentioned in the podcast, it's a club with a terrible entrance fee. 

I continue to be flooded with notes, texts, cards, and cheerful plants and flowers. I appreciate every single one of you. In my next post I'll be talking a little bit about how I approach sharing my diagnosis and treatments with our young kids.

Much Love!


  1. Bill and I are thinking of you and your sweet family. Best wishes and lots of love to you this week.


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