Tired, Forgetful, Thankful

I forgot to meet my mom this morning. If it's not in my phone calendar or a note taped to the door, I can't remember. Even if it's something I'm really looking forward to. 😔 Later, I took a much-needed two hour nap and woke up and remembered to (finally) call the insurance advocate to see if I actually have to pay these thousands of dollars of bills that have already racked up (surgery is 6 days away and I don't even want to know the full amount that will be billed to insurance). While my outlook is good and I'm initially falling asleep just fine, this whole thing (surgery, looming pathology and subsequent treatment) is taking up mental space I didn't know could be impacted so gravely. So if I forgot/forget to get back to you, meet up with you, or respond to a message, it's not me. It's cancer brain. 🥸

Loving this spring break with the kids. Just super chill since we are quarantining to keep me healthy until go-day. Today we played with the chickens (we are up to four!) in the backyard and baked random sugar cookies (Christmas, unicorn, fish shapes) then had pizza/movie night. Started with Tangled (Disney+) but quickly turned into a Winx (Netflix) marathon (0/10 recommend but no one was arguing so 🤷🏻‍♀️). This time next spring break I will only be on hormone therapy. 🙌🏼

Feeling All. The. Love. from all of you. Cards, notes, gifts, treats, stuff for the kiddos, stuff for post-surgery... I'm just in awe. And even though we're pretty isolated currently, I've never felt more connected to my community! Friends, family, former co-workers, current co-workers, cancer support group friends, church peeps... I'm actually excited for post-surgery time to slip into some new jammies and read new books and dine on delicious food and chocolates while I heal and adjust to a new body and limited movements. 💕

As always, thank you for following along!



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