Menopause at 37

Photo: Me back at work this weekend. First day after surgery.

Big picture, I will start a monthly injection next week to suppress my ovaries, kicking me into menopause. My estrogen, which was largely what my cancer fed on, will be significantly reduced. A few weeks later I will also begin daily oral meds (more estrogen suppression). Chemo will likely not happen because there are risks associated with my specific gene mutation (my DNA doesn't repair itself well and other cancers could be caused - yikes!). I have a second opinion on the chemo scheduled at Fred Hutch for the end of the month. 

I might have severe hot flashes, I might not. My bone health might go down, it might not. I'll have a bone density screening two years into treatment (2025 🤯). And other screenings. And lots of follow-ups and tests for stuff forever and ever. BUT the cancer is OUT and I can say I'm cancer-free (I asked- ha!). 

On Friday I was cleared for physical therapy, which begins today! And I can start lifting more and doing more, gradually. 

This weekend I started working with my event planning business again and even with five assistants throughout the day, I was exhausted the next day. I'm back to teaching in the library on Tuesdays starting tomorrow. Feeling mentally ready, though it does feel like I'm balancing a lot/too much right now and cancer has taught me to take it very slow. I've decided not to book any more events for 2023 and will be pickier on what I book on 2024 (hyper-local, venues with more support staff, etc.). My work in the school library is physically less taxing, less hours in one given day, and more sustainable. This time with my family is the most important and if that means less expensive frills in life, so be it. I've learned I already have all the frills I need. Life and the people I love most. That sounds sappy but it's true. I'd rather work less and be happier and healthier. 🤷🏻‍♀️🩷

Cheers to health!


  1. Woohoo, cancer-free!!

  2. Yayyyy cancer free! The best words!

  3. Hooray cancer-free!!! ♥️♥️

  4. Loved spending time with your adoring kids! Always up for more time with them when you and Josh need it!😊


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