More Healing

I had a great week full of sun, time with friends, delicious meals from friends, and grandparent time with the kids (Josh's folks stayed with us Thurs-Tue). The vase in the above pics the kiddos made with my friend Caitlin (a gem) and the felted flowers the girls made with Grammy. 🩷 Plus I got to celebrate my sister's bridal shower and her birthday. I'm tired. 😅

I met with my surgeon today, who said while my incisions look good, they are still healing and I need to come in once again before I can start PT. I'm cautiously optimistic about my upcoming oncology appointment on the 15th becase we got my oncotype number back and it's 20/100 (see chart below). There's the factor that my cancer is receptive to hormone therapy, which is good in that there's something other than chemo that helps my prognosis. I'm just nervous about making the right choice. 
Source: Conquer Magazine

Thanks for the love!



  1. Grampy and I had a wonderful time with all three precious little ones! Their smiles, laughter and antics were such gifts to be able to share in.It was good to have time with you and Josh, too! We’re still keeping you in our prayers for continued healing, strength and stamina. Love you! Grammy 💗


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