A Week in the Life

Ballard Seafood Festival with my tiny guy

In one week I had six appointments. In order they were:

Therapy - Thank God for the gem of a therapist rained down from heaven. I have so much to process and work through. Cried a good cry, came out stronger.

Oncology - I start my 2nd endocrine (hormone) therapy med TONIGHT. My Lupron shot gets me "from 100 to 5" and this one brings my estrogen basically all the way to zero. My existing symptoms (hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, irritability - ha, ha) shouldn't get too worse with the 2nd med but it will decrease bone density and can cause physical pain from that. *Joy* Shout out to my mother for sending me a rechargeable personal cooling device and cooling towels. Menopause, especially when forced upon you suddenly, is no walk in the park. 🔥 I will be going to the oncologist forever and ever to be monitored, so follow up in September.

PCP - Working on labs and keeping up my vitamins and minerals. :) 

Acupuncture - Ahhhhhhhh If you need a recommendation in the Ballard area, I have a good one!

Plastic surgeon - This was for reconstruction (DIEP procedure). Need to pass a CAT Scan to be sure I have the right microscopic blood vessels and stuff to qualify.

CAT Scan - Why in the hell does the dye they inject into your veins make you feel like you wet yourself? Ugh. Anyway, Josh ordered me a veggie burger + tasty rosemary fries for when I got home and it saved me. He knows I get hangry and had to fast. ;)

Also made an appointment at the Fred Hutch Center for Breast and Ovarian Cancer Prevention at the beginning of August because my ATM gene mutation puts me at risk for other cancers, including ovarian, and I need to learn about screening and prevention options for those. 

Basically distracting myself right with kids and summer fun and my wedding planning business. (See top photo.) 

Thanks for the continued love!



  1. Sounds like a hellish week, with all those appointments to get through, but I'm glad you're in such good hands with the doctors here. Sending you lots of love, Lauren!


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