Kicking Cancer's Ass, Literally

I'm a month into my kickboxing career. I'm not athletic by nature, but cancer forced me to do a lot of things I didn't think I would do. Like in high school, I would run a few laps around a track with my friend Ashley and then get donuts to celebrate. When I played rugby I would skip some laps of our daily mile run and call it good. PE was the only subject I cheated in because I hated running. Ha! I always blamed my tiny ankles and skinny legs. Cardio/weights are good for keeping cancer gone and for my joints/mood/energy, all impacted by endocrine (hormone) therapy that I will be on for 10 years. It's fun that my kids can see me as physically strong in addition to the mental fights I battle. And I am loving exercise without the extra chest weight. 😉

Reconstruction is pushed to July 8, 2024. I'm excited about it. I was having anxiety thinking of having a massive surgery in January because of three small children and my teaching job that are managed during structured hours. 🙃 Even though I have a lot of willing help, the mental load of delegating the tasks of child rearing to others was stressing me out. In the summer, no one has to get up and be anywhere. (I'm taking five weeks off of event planning.)

I told Josh my New Year's resolution is my health. Make appointments and keep all of them. Sleep early and often. Kickboxing and running club consistently. Run 5ks. No alcohol, no processed meat. Sugar in moderation. Lots of water. Connection. Boundaries. 

Peace and good health be with you this holiday season. 🌲


  1. Kickboxing sounds like a great sport for you now. You're an inspiration to us all, Lauren. Hope you and your family enjoy the holidays! Love, Sarah and Hal


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